"The Envy of some, the Fear of others, and the Wonder of all their Neighbours"
Seventeenth-Century Foreign Insights on Dutch Art
Final Conference of the Research Project
17-18 March 2022
Société des arts (salle des Abeilles)
Musée d'art et d'histoire (auditorium)
March 17, 2022 (Société des arts, salle des Abeilles)​
13.00: Registration and coffee
13.30: Jan Blanc (University of Geneva): Welcome and introduction
Session 1: Local Reaction to Dutch Immigrant Artist Communities
Chair: Susanne Bartels (University of Geneva/University of Amsterdam)
14.00: Forough Sajadi (Leiden University): Netherlandish Art and Artists in Iran in the Seventeenth Century
14.20: Sander Karst (University of Amsterdam): “As the Hollanders do at Amsterdam”: On how the British got a Thriving Arts Sector off the Ground (1660–1710)
14.40: Discussion
15.10: Coffee break
Session 2: Market and International Demand
Chair: Filip Vermeylen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
15.30: Hans J. Van Miegroet (Duke University): Preference Formation for Dutch Art in Emerging Parisian Art Markets
15.50: Angela Jager (University of Geneva/RKD-Netherlands Institute of Art History): “Hollandske skilderien”, “Hollänska schillerier” – Importing, Collecting and Consuming Dutch Paintings in Denmark and Sweden, c. 1550–1700
16.10: Discussion
17.00: Visit to the Dutch collections of the Musée d’art et d’histoire (open to the public)
19.00: Drinks @Barocco (for conference participants only)
March 18, 2022 (Musée d’art et d’histoire, Auditorium)
Session 3: Taste and Collecting
Chair: Angela Jager (University of Geneva/RKD-Netherlands Institute of Art History)
09.15: Lucie Rochard (University of Geneva/University of Lille): From Rags
to Riches? The French Reception of Dutch Daily-Life Scenes and the Invention of a “goût flamand”, 1600–1750
09.35: Ewelina Bednarz (Copernicus University): Dutch Paintings in the Collection of Jan III Sobieski: King’s Dreams, Plans and Perception
09.55: Discussion
10.30: Coffee break
Session 4: Appropriation: Invention and Technique
Chair: Jan Blanc (University of Geneva)
11.00: Roman Grigoryev (Hermitage Museum/European University of St. Petersburg): Prophets and Commanders from Republic at the Tsar Service: Reception of Dutch Iconography in Late 17th-early 18th-Century Russia
11.20: Anne-Valérie Dulac (Paris Sorbonne Université): “[A]nd that from a People, that are noe great Lenders”: Edward Norgate’s Borrowings in Miniatura or the Art of Limning
11.40: Eduardo Lamas (KIK-IRPA, Brussels): The Genre Paintings by Murillo and the Dutch Tradition: An Example of Cultural Interaction
12.00: Discussion
12.30: Lunch, @Barocco (for conference participants only)
Session 5: Dutch Objects in a Global World
Chair: Sarah Moran (Utrecht University)
14.00: Benjamin Schmidt (University of Washington): The Inquisitor General and the Red-Haired Barbarians: Collecting and Desecrating Dutch Art in Early Modern Japan
14.20: Anna Grasskamp (University of St Andrews): Relayering Dutch Art: Netherlandish Surfaces in EurAsian Objects
14.40: Discussion
15.10: Coffee break
15.45: Marije Osnabrugge (University of Geneva): Presentation of the database “Visiting the Golden Age”
16.15: General discussion
17.00: End of conference and drinks
Practical information
This conference is the last of the research project Un siècle d’Or? Repenser la peinture hollandaise du XVIIe siècle, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and led by Jan Blanc, at the University of Geneva. It has been organised by Susanne Bartels, Jan Blanc, Angela Jager, Léonie Marquaille, Marije Osnabrugge and Lucie Rochard.
The event is free of charge; but please register before 1 March: https://forms.gle/eWLeFKu1tf1z8qnx9
Salle des Abeilles, Société des arts (Palais de l’Athénée): Rue de l’Athénée 2–1205 Geneva
Musée d’art et d’histoire: Bd Émile-Jaques Dalcroze - 1204 Geneva
Restaurant Barocco (Musée d’art et d’histoire): Rue Charles-Galland 2 - 1206 Geneva
For further information, please contact: